
Bella Aurora, a brand with a sixth sense

Bella Aurora has been caring for women’s skin for over a century.

It is much more than an anti-dark spots cosmetic brand; it is a symbol of identity passed down from generation to generation.

Founded in 1890 in the city of Aurora (Chicago), the brand arrived in Spain in the 1920s and became famous for its quality, aroma and emblematic slogan- “For beauty, youth and freshness, Bella Aurora every day”- which was repeatedly aired in ads and radio spots.

Currently, Bella Aurora is the leader in the sale of depigmenting products in department stores and pharmacies in Spain and is making strong impressions abroad. What is the secret to Bella Aurora’s success? Its sixth sense.

Among the nearly 200 people dedicated to the brand is a diverse group of women committed to and united around a common cause. We would like to introduce you to 6 of these Bella Aurora women.


NataliaThe feminine side of numbers

At the head of accounts is Natalia Semionova. Those who know her describe her as a strong, sensible and multi-faceted women and their reasons for thinking so are boundless. She is an Aeronautical Engineer with a degree in Business Sciences and a Master in Financial Economic Management. “I often say that my aeronautical degree helps me get things off the ground”, kids the Russian native who arrived in Spain 20 years ago.

Her passions are her three children, the mountains, the piano, the guitar and horses.

With regards to Bella Aurora, the Financial Director confirms, “I am a woman of numbers but I love being able to say that I work in a company where people are not numbers but rather the key to success”.

Her favourite Bella Aurora product? “It has to be none other than the Splendor10. I like everything about it, its texture and how it leaves my skin feeling afterwards”.


MarisaThe story teller

Ever since she can remember, she has been passionate about stories— listening to them, writing them and telling them. With a degree in Communication, Marisa Silva began her career as a journalist for titles such as the National Geographic. She has lived in Holland, Brazil and Germany but it was in 2004 when she arrived in Barcelona that this Portuguese native found what she was looking for: “A love and a job that inspire me every day”.

The communication style of the brand Bella Aurora is distinguished by two of her personality traits which, at first glance, seem to be polar opposites: planning and results-driven work and creativity.

“I believe the first one is due to my time spent in Germany and in an American multinational corporation and the second is a way of seeing life. Every person, product and situation inspires me because in them I see a story that is worth telling”, she explains.

Which Bella Aurora product would you put on the front page? “Sun protection. I use it 365 days a year!”


MireiaSense and sensibility

When in January 2008 Mireia Masferrer accepted the challenge of becoming the Brand Manager for a brand that had been present in her home since she was a child, her “heart skipped a beat”.

Over the past 8 years, the brand’s progress and way of moving forward, slowly but surely, has been in harmony with Mireia’s.

Passionate for the world of fashion, beauty and cosmetics, she dedicated nearly a decade to brands such as Hermès, Burberry and Kenzo. She has managed to balance work with two children and a Master from the EADA Business School. “I am lucky to work in a company where work-life balance is not an abstract concept but a reality”, she asserts.

If she had to select one of “her” brand’s products, “it would be the bio10 shock treatment because there is nothing on the market like it. No other product works as well when it comes to eliminating and preventing dark spots”.


NuriaThe globetrotter

It can be said that Núria Salgado is like a radar. Always connected, the Export Manager of Bella Aurora is the first to find out about new trends inside and outside of Spain. She can’t pinpoint what thrills her most: discovering something new or sharing the discovery with others.

After completing her degree in Economy from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, her year spent studying abroad in Holland and doing a fellowship in the Czech Republic were precursors to a life abroad, jumping from airport to airport. She began the brand’s international expansion in Portugal, Mexico, Colombia and Russia and now has her eyes set on Bolivia, China, Italy and the UK.

With her restless nature, it’s surprising that at the age of 32 and with more than 35 countries in her passport she has been working for the same company for over a decade. “Bella Aurora can take credit for that as it manages to create a challenging project for young people. They believe in you, in your ideas and they give you the freedom to grow as a person and as a professional”.

What Bella Aurora product do you always carry with you in your suitcase? “The L+ of course. It is perfect for travelling wherever my destination might take me and for eliminating localised dark spots”.


AnnaFrom the kitchen to the laboratory

When you listen to Anna Farré something inside of you changes: first the preconceived idea you have of a laboratory professional, and second the feeling that you have learnt something new. Empathy and enthusiasm make difficult tasks easy.

Besides being the R&D Manager at Bella Aurora, she is also on the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Society for Cosmetic Chemists and teaches in the Cosmetic and Parapharmacy Master programme at the CESIF (Academic Centre for the Pharmaceutical Industry). She has solid experience in the world of beauty and cosmetics as she has worked for the laboratories of important brands such as ISDIN, Sensilis, Cumlaude and Rilastil.

There are two places where she loses all notion of time: “in my kitchen and in my laboratory.” When it comes down to it, a cosmetic is based on a recipe that combines ingredients”, she explains.

 “My favourite product? This is like asking a chef what his favourite dish is…Well, let’s see. I’d have to say the new line for sensitive skin is the best thing out there on the market”.


MiriamA pedagogical smile

They call her the encyclopaedia of Bella Aurora. There is no question concerning products that Miriam Guerra cannot answer. After many years in contact with consumers in Sephora, El Corte Inglés and pharmacies, Bella Aurora recognised her special talent and offered her a project that she accepted with all her might.

What stands out from her CV are her studies in Personal Aesthetics and specialisation in high definition in cosmetic treatments. She is an image consultant in beauty and cosmetics and head of training at Bella Aurora on a national and international level. “My goal is to explain that what is most important is not selling a product but rather understanding consumers, listening to them and offering them solutions for their problems and needs”, she explains.

This trainer’s best pedagogical approach is her smile, sweetness and optimism.

“Which Bella Aurora product would you recommend? I love the Illuminating Serum because you notice the change in your skin tone, much brighter and more uniform”.