Did you know what... > Sensitive skin

The epidermis, sensory tissue

In addition to its barrier function, the skin is involved in the perception of various stimuli, somatosensory system is part of it. Sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system send primary afferent fibers to the skin, crossing the dermis and penetrating the basement membrane, epidermal cells innervate or are left as free nerve endings. All epidermal cells express sensory neuropeptides and proteins that help regulate neuro-immuno-cutaneous system.


The sensitive skin syndrome

Sensitive skin syndrome, also called intolerant, reactive, hyper-reactive or irritable, it is a common syndrome in Europe. A prevalence of 50% among women and 30% in males is estimated.

Sensitive skin is one which reacts in an exaggerated manner to stimuli such as wind, UV radiation, cold, cosmetics, daily hygiene, pollution, stress, hormonal changes etc The identifiable objective signs are: telangiectasia, dryness, peeling, erythema and edema. While subjective symptoms described are itchyness, tightness, warm skin, hard tingling sensation and severe irritation.

The symptoms of sensitive skin are caused by an abnormal penetration of irritants through the epidermis, due to a deficit barrier function. Alterations in the epidermis are seen in intercellular lipids that prevent proper compaction of the cell layers. The stratum corneum is more brittle and protection from the external environment is lower.


Also, with sensitive skin there is less tolerance to external stimuli with a sensory dysfunction in the nerve endings in the skin and a decreased tolerance threshold to external stimuli. Thus, stimulus on normal skin would not cause any reaction, however on sensitive skin triggers signs of irritation, itching and burning.

Anti-Dark spot treatment for sensitive skin

Bella Aurora has developed bio10 for sensitive skin taking into account the needs of this skin type. It incorporates active ingredients that act on four repair mechanisms on anti-Dark spot treatment for sensitive skin:

  1. Strengthening the barrier function
  2. Anti-inflammatory action
  3. Lock hypersensitivity
  4. Reduction of visible capillaries

Not only are the active ingredients adapted to the needs of sensitive skin, also excipients are selected that are respectful to the skin and incorporated into the formula in the minimum concentration required. Dyes or parabens and silicones are not used and allergens free perfume is incorporated to prevent allergy or hypersensitivity reactions.

Anti-Dark spot treatment for sensitive skin bio10