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About Repigment
Use and Application
About Repigment
Phototherapy is a technique that treats various skin disorders through exposure to natural or artificial UV light. In the case of Repigment12, phototherapy is essential as it stimulates the melanocytes and therefore helps to promote the repigmentation of white patches on the skin.
To treat these white patches, it is very important that phototherapy is supervised by a health professional who will assess in each case which option is the most appropriate depending on the physical and personal characteristics of each person.
In addition to natural sun exposure, phototherapy using narrowband UVB rays is currently available.
Phototherapy with narrowband UVB rays is usually carried out in specialised centres and clinics, although there are also lamps that allow the treatment to be carried out at home, always under the supervision of a health professional who will specify the number of weekly sessions and recommended time in each case.
UVA phototherapy can be carried out in specialised tanning salons. Each centre has its own protocol, but in all of them the exposure is calculated based on the skin phototype.
Generally, it is recommended twice a week, starting with sessions of 2-3 minutes up to 8-10 minutes per session, always avoiding burns and under the supervision of a health specialist.
It is not necessary to perform phototherapy immediately after applying the product. The cream should be applied in the morning and evening to the affected areas and then phototherapy should be carried out according to the guidelines indicated by the dermatologist, depending on the needs and availability of each person.
You can do UVB/UVA phototherapy or sunbathing daily, for 10 minutes without sun protection, always avoiding sunburn.
It is important to note that the 10 minutes without sunscreen may vary depending on the personal, climatological and geographical circumstances of each person, and that they should be supervised by a health professional.
Even so, if you live in cold countries or, due to other circumstances, cannot expose your skin to natural sunlight, it is recommended that artificial UVB/UVA phototherapy sessions be carried out following the guidelines indicated by a professional.
It is recommended to complement Repigment12 with RepigmentSun sun capsules as they help to prepare the skin for natural sun exposure or UVA/UVB phototherapy.
However, it is also possible to use sunscreen, as long as it only contains chemical filters. This type of sunscreen protects the skin and at the same time allows UV rays to penetrate the skin and stimulate melanocytes.
With the application of sunscreen, up to 1 hour of sun exposure per day is possible, although these times are only indicative and should be prescribed and supervised by a health professional.
You can start to see results after 2-3 months of application. Some patients have achieved results after the first month and, in very rare cases, after 6 months of correct application.
There is no direct correlation. In any case, a larger area may take longer to respond compared to smaller ones.
The Repigment12 treatment is highly effective, but we cannot guarantee that all white spots will disappear. As with any treatment, the results depend on many factors (patient's habits, treatment area, etc.).
The study carried out has shown a high efficacy and in subjects who had not previously obtained great results. However, as in any treatment, the results depend on many factors (patient's habits, treatment area, etc.). We hope you get the expected results and we would like to remind you that we keep working day after day to improve the efficacy of our treatment.
The Repigment12 cosmetic treatment is based on a mechanism of action that was completely unknown until a decade ago. In our trials, many participants who did not respond to other treatments obtained great results with Repigment. See results.
Repigment cosmetic treatment is based on studies conducted by Dr. Matteo Bordignon, who has succeeded after years of research to identify for the first time in the world the MIA protein as the main cause of the white spots present in hypopigmentation. This MIA protein is found in the epidermis, the most superficial layer of the skin (the area where cosmetics act).
Dr. Bordignon also discovered a short-chain peptide capable of counteracting this MIA protein: Repigma12. This peptide is an approved active ingredient in cosmetics and is the key active ingredient in Repigment12. Since the MIA protein is found in the epidermis (the zone of action of cosmetics), and the Repigma12 peptide is approved in cosmetics, it is not necessary for the product to be classified as a pharmaceutical product.
Moreover, the fact that it is classified as a cosmetic product and not a drug has made it easier to get the product to the end consumer in an equally safe but much faster way than a drug.
Treatment with UVB-NB and/or immunosuppressants (such as tacrolimus or primecrolimus) has a stimulating effect on skin adhesion molecules and a direct stimulatory effect on pigmentation. That is why you may experience some results, as with the use of skin irritants such as kelin or piperine.
Bella Aurora does not perform and has not performed any animal testing of cosmetic products or active ingredients used, neither to develop or produce, nor to evaluate their safety or efficacy. We abide by the European cosmetics legislation that has prohibited this practice for years.
Neither Repigment12 nor Repigma12 peptide have been tested on animals.
When the labeling indicates "Dermatologically tested" it means that the product has been tested for use on human volunteers under real conditions of use.
No. No skin or health condition contraindicates its use
Albinism is a genetic disorder characterized by the total absence of melanocytes (cells that synthesize melanin, the color of the skin) in eyes, skin and hair. Repigment by Bella Aurora will not have satisfactory results in albinism, since melanocytes are needed to repigment the area with the genetic tone (the natural tone of the skin itself), and in the skins that suffer from this disorder there are none.
In general, after skin regimentation, it is very unlikely that new white spots will appear in that area. Unfortunately, there may be a new appearance in treated and untreated areas, which is usually related to personal stress, rubbing or significant skin injury. In that case, we suggest that you begin applying Repigment12 to these areas immediately.
Use and Application
It is recommended to apply the cosmetic treatment for at least 6 months. When repigmentation begins, it is recommended to continue applying until complete repigmentation of the affected area. This process may take several months for larger areas.
The use of the cosmetic treatment can be continued over time without any problem, there is no limit of weeks or months for the application. The objective of Repigment12 is to obtain the desired results, and depending on the area and size of the white spots it will take more or less time.
When the spots are repigmented and the skin regains its tone, the cream can be discontinued in that area. However, since the cosmetic treatment has a preventive action, we suggest applying the cream occasionally (once a week) on the most rubbed areas (hands, elbows, etc.).
Generally, after skin repigmentation, it is very unlikely to experience a new appearance of white spots in that area. Unfortunately, new appearance may occur in treated and untreated areas that are usually related to personal stress, friction or major skin injuries. In this case, we suggest immediately starting to apply Repigment12 to these areas.
Our recommendation is to be very consistent with Bella Aurora's Repigment12 treatment for a minimum of 6 months. Complete repigmentation may take several months to show. However, if you have followed our recommendations and still have not seen any improvement, it is possible that your white spots are of a different type than the one treated.
Yes, it can be applied to the delicate eye contour area. It is hypoallergenic and suitable for sensitive skin.
There are no studies conducted on children, so we cannot advise its use. In addition, as it requires phototherapy, it is important to be monitored by a dermatologist. The dermatologist will be the one to assess the Repigment12 treatment. If your dermatologist needs information regarding the treatment, we can contact him/her personally to provide all the information.
Repigment12 is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the effect of the cosmetic treatment on these particular conditions has not been investigated.
The use of self-tanners with DHA or erythrulose is not recommended, since the phototherapy may not reach the melanocyte correctly, but if you want to use it for aesthetic reasons, the product has no contraindication with Repigment12. Just remember the importance of not applying it before the Repigment12 cream.
You can apply the Repigment12 treatment on the entire hypopigmented area and the bio10 forte depigmenting treatment on the specific dark spot. After thoroughly cleansing the skin, apply the bio10 forte serum on the hyperpigmented spot. After washing your hands, continue applying Repigment12 on the rest of the hypopigmented areas.

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